mánudagur, 8. apríl 2013

'Nother Shard

So that backfired in a horrible way. I have no idea where Lyron is right now, but whatever.

We were making the plan go into motion and found a dead body & EAT. All I had to do was to be camperfied at the first stage and then make Lucy uncamperfy me before popping out.

Well, it seems that sort of didn't work the way I planned.

Because this wasn't EAT apparently, it was another dying man shard so I now have 3.

Nothing wrong with dying man shards. We are chill ~ATE

So yeah, this shard seems to make people look camperfied in order to fake opponents out. My hair is blue and my skin is pale-blueish.

OOoh another shard ^-^ 

Yes, I'm positively beaming with excitement. Personally I could just absorb both of you and be done with it. But I'm not that cruel...


Ehm, so yeah. Nother day nother shard.


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